Thursday, September 27, 2007

What We Do IS Writing Center Work!

The folks who are collaborating about the joint Grand Valley State University and Western Michigan University discussion at the Michigan Writing Center Association fall conference and about the consequental Writing Lab Newsletter submission should use this space to chat.


Julie L. Lenhart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi all, the following is just a copy of an email I sent to Julie and Bethany. It's pretty much a rant, so sorry about the roughness. I just thought I'd put my thoughts up here and maybe it would spark some conversation.

Okay....I know Bethany and I talked about this last night, but I'll just put you up to speed. On top of what Bethany said below I thought it was interesting to discuss WHY teachers and students view us as "little teachers". When I was a freshman and I heard about the writing consultants coming into my classroom I assumed they were there as an authoritative figure. I think if I would've viewed them as just another reader I would have been much more open to their ideas/help. I'm wondering WHY I had this preconceived notion that was so far off track. Was it something the professor said? Is it the way the WC is marketed to students? Is this perhaps (these preconceived notions) the reason some object to having consultants in the classroom? I think this would be an interesting topic to have some discussion on.

I also made the point last night that by having consultants in the classroom we are providing services to a much larger portion of the student population. I mean think about it, you're a freshman and you want some help with a paper, are you really going to have the balls to waltz into the writing center? For some, yes, but for many others the answer would be no. Instead they resort to having roommates, friends, (strangers????) read over their papers; people who may have no further insight than they do. (Note: I don't want to say that having people you know read your stuff is bad/wrong, I say the more people who read it the better! However, you really don't know what kind of advice you will receive. At least with consultants you know you're getting something concrete.) ANYWAY, I think that having consultants in the classroom allows students who would not normally receive helpful feedback (and who may desperately need it) get that feedback, AND at the same time it helps battle some of the stigma associated with the Writing Center itself.

The University has an obligation to aid the students in anyway possible, and I believe that the work consultants do in the classrooms upholds that obligation.

I don't know if this made sense or if it was just a bunch of rambling, but oh well.. I got it out. Grrrrrr :)

Anonymous said...

The conversation is beginning and is getting interesting. I think that Julie's idea of explaining exactly how the consultants interact in the classroom is a good idea. Alex, as far as what you were getting at, I think we really need to establish the focus we're taking on our session. You bring out some very interesting questions about how students view consultants and that our position in the classrooms can help those students who might not have attended the WC, but I'm not sure either of thsoe were the approaches we were taking on this end (not to say that what we want is completely right, of course).

Here's, I think, what we wanted to get at. In the articles I've read that focus on the purpose of writing centers and writing center pedagogy, one of the main purposes of a writing center is to provide a non-authoritative, non-evaluative atmosphere in which students can work on their writing. The theorists emphasize the need for "minimalist tutoring" in which we ask a lot of questions to help the student get at what he or she wants to say. The biggest concern of many who believe that we should not consider ourselves writing center consultants in a classroom is that the writing center is supposed to be a place that is completely separated from the classroom and the instructor. The student is supposed to have the power in the session. These same people seem believe that, no matter what, a class is still a class and carries the tone of grades and evaluation. What WE want to present is that there is a way for the consultants going into a classroom situation can still bring with them all of the best parts of writing center practice: no evaluating, supportive atmosphere, not connected to the instructor, not answering to anyone about the session, etc. In this case, because of the separation between the instructors and the consultants, when our consultants enter classrooms, they are invoking the best practices of writing center pedagogy.

I know I rambled a bit there, but that is the basic idea that we were trying to get at. It is a little more theoretical/pedagogical, but I think that's what makes it really interesting. We know that the more access students have to competent audiences, the better. What we want to get into is the pedagogical debate about what it is writing centers really do and how we have translated those goals successfully into classroom situations.

The session would probably involve a description of our two programs, a discussion about writing center pedagogy (what do we consider to be writing center work?), and a discussion about how what we do fits under what all the theorists say writing centers do. I hope this all makes sense!

Ellen Schendel said...

Hi, all! I'm not a presenter--just the nosy GVSU writing center director--and I wanted to offer some support & thoughts regarding your presentation. Don't hesitate to email me, BTW...or if you're local, drop by my office to chat!

Sitting on my nightstand right now is a brand new writing center book called _Marginal Words, Marginal Work?_, edited by Bill Macauley and Nick Mauriello. (I'm reading this book to review it for the IWCA Update--a newsletter published by the International Writing Centers Association--and it's a good read).

Anyway, in it is an article about the U of Iowa's newly established Writing Fellows program, which is their term for "in-classroom writing support." Interestingly, they call this "outreach" (at GVSU, "outreach" is our work with a local high school, so I thought it was interesting that someone would dub work AT THE UNIVERSITY as "outreach." In fact, it bugs me, particularly given the content of the rest of the article....).

The argument laid out in the article is simple:

One way to make writing center work integral to the campus community--and not marginalized--is to provide in-classroom tutoring services, like the fellows program at U of Iowa.

They say that it helps make visible for students and faculty--and changes their attitudes about--the process of writing, and gives students coaching/modeling to work through their writing processes. And that it has the potential--ripple effect--to change the culture of writing pedagogy at the university (they hypothesize that after experiencing a consultant-led workshop/feedback loop, students might provide that sort of feedback to roommates/friends "on the fly" beyond the classroom...which isn't something I've ever thought about before, but find interesting...that writing center work in the classroom could shape the way students behave outside the bounds of the classroom OR the writing center).

And that, most powerfully, the fellows program has the potential to transform the university into the writing center...because writing center work is infused through the curriculum and has impacted professor & student ideas about writing and the teaching of writing.

(And this is why dubbing the work "outreach" bothers me. The term "outreach" emphasizes a split between the center & the classroom, and the point they were making is that these boundaries are happily & healthily dissolved by moving writing center work into the classroom).

I will copy & stick into Alex's, Bethany's, and Julie's writing center mailboxes this article. Seems useful, given all the comments you all--Julie, Alex, and Elena--have made. And perhaps my brief summary above has given you a way of thinking about how to bridge the various ideas you all are talking about here, because I think one way of conceiving of witing center work in the classroom is that it isn't JUST writing center work...but it has the power to change the way that other writing-related work at the university gets done. And on the writing center's own terms: nonhierarchical, process-oriented, student-centered writing center terms.

(Personally, I think the critics of writing center work within classrooms are over-emphasizing the split between the classroom context and the writing center context without thinking about how each influences the other....and that's sort of empowering for writing centers, to be influential and whatnot!)

OK, I'm off to read some more of this good book!

Bethany said...

I know this is a long post. Please let the take home message be: LETS MAKE SOME QUESTIONS!!! :)

Hello Everyone! I'm excited to be talking about this in a few weeks. I do feel that it can be a sore topic, perhaps inflatedly so as Ellen pointed out, so I'm hoping to get a lot of interested people together in our tutor talk who will want to wrestle with these ideas and stigmas of classroom writing center work.

Let's try to make the next step to conference. I think everyone agrees that it will be good for each university team to give a brief summary of the format and work that each university writing center does in classrooms. (Maybe 5 minutes.) This will be important so that participants will have a basis from which they can ask questions of us and pose opinions about the models of classroom consulting we use.

More importantly though, should be the questions we are forming together. Remember, this is a tutor talk, and I for one really feel that tutor talks are most successful when the presentors pose really great questions that allow the participants to have a great discussion. Granted, this may be a bit different because we do not know how many participants will have experience with or prejudices against classroom consulting, but the goals, I think should remain the same.

So, let's make some great questions. I think it will be important to try not to get defensive with our questions or our responces, although this may be easy to do on a topic that we may feel very strongly about. Constructing open ended, unbiased questions may be a difficult task, so we should get started right away.

I'll just throw some out there even if some are in a different direction than we end up going:

How might classroom consulting change the dynamic of how the campus thinks about the writing process as a whole?

What are some obstacles to writing center pedagogy that writing consultants might face in the classrooms?

What can writing consultants do to overcome these obstacles?

How does inclass consulting effect the image of the writing center?

How might students view in-class consultant differently that in-center consultants?

Might the goals of in-class consulting be different than the goals of in-center consulting?

If so, are these differences harmful?

I'm just getting started here. Obviously we would stear the conversation based on what opinions we found to exsist in the group. Again, I just really hope we can be open and curious to many opinions and discuss all together with interest and respect.

Also: I just wanted to get the following up here because it was sort of left out of the loop so that we can all refer back to it. It was originally meant as a GVSU brainstorm of our own practices, and I know that we have revised it further, but I just wanted Western to see the kinds of things we are thinking about for our summary. I'm sure that Western and GVSU will have similarities and differences. I know that I am very interested to learn about the ins and outs of Western's in class consulting, as I'm sure it is unique from GVSU's.

"Okay, so to start, I think we can talk about both environments in which we do in class consulting, focusing on the fact that we are still PEER tutors doing writing consulting: not teaching.

Groups: We facilitate group peer review sessions. We are typically assigned to a group of 3 or 4 students on a weekly basis. We follow requests from teachers as to the content, focus, and form of these sessions. Our role is to manage time, set a friendly and productive tone for the group, prepare the writers to listen to each other's papers, and ask good questions to encourage the writers to give each other beneficial feedback. We also give our own feedback to the paper, but the goal is to facilitate discussion among the students themselves. We are not an authority figure. We do not make assignments. We do not grade papers. We are still simply expert peers and we maintain cooperative communication with the professor in order to be as helpful to the students (as their expert peers) as possible.

Labs: We typically float around the whole room, building peer relationships with all of the students in the class. We answer questions about writing as an expert peer, but do not give authoritative answers regarding assignments, the professor's expectations, or due dates. We are there to give our response to papers as readers (similar to regular one on one consultations.) In the lab setting we can also be available to answer quick questions about mechanics or citation. We, just as inside the writing center, are a resource: not a teacher.

Okay, so this is just what I came up with so far. I think it will be important to paint a picture of what our class room consulting often looks like so that it will be easier for participants to understand and ask questions about our methods.

Remember, from the discussion I had with Kim, there are a couple main reasons why people often freak out when they think of writing consultants in the classroom. They might have preformed ideas of what this set up might be like and how it will fail because they have tried it in one form or another in a less cooperative setting than GVSU. They also may have theoretical convictions about the mixing of writing center pedagogy: They may fear that writing consultants in classrooms will become little teachers and will end up having a more authoritative role over the student's writing. This would be a problem because these in class writing tutors would no longer be safe, non judgmental, non powerful, non intimidating audiences for the student paper. We have to show that even when working in the class rooms, we are able to associate ourselves more with the students than the teacher so that students feel safe sharing their writing with us.

Let me know what you think, and let the GVSU drafting begin. HURAY!


krolkm said...

So far it seems like we have a lot of really great ideas floating around! I agree with Elena about establishing our focus. I think to do that, we might want to establish some Writing Center "best practices" that we can all agree fall into basic writing center pedagogies. Any ideas of what that might include?

krolkm said...

Since the deadline is approaching, and we all seem to be a little stressed about figuring out what exactly we are trying to accomplish in this session, we all need to align our thinking. To do that, we need to refer back to our original abstract, since it pretty much sets the stage for this discussion. Let's take a look:

"What We Do Really IS Writing Center Work
Is it possible for consultants/tutors to remain true to writing center pedagogy when working in classrooms? For several years, writing centers have been collaborating with composition programs to bring consultants into writing classrooms. Many writing center professionals object to this concept of the writing studio, arguing that the heirarchy of the classroom does not allow for true writing center work to occur. However, at Grand Valley State University and Western Michigan University, we believe that our programs bring the best practices of writing center pedagogy to composition students, even though the writing studio is a required part of the courses. In our discussion session, consultants from both universities would team up to address the concerns that may surround in-class consulting and talk about how in-class writing center practices can still align with writing center “best practices.” We will ask guiding questions that aim at understanding practice and pedagogy. Session attendees will be invited and encouraged to participate in the conversation. We will record this session, using the material as the basis for a collaborative Writing Lab Newsletter Tutor Column submission that will continue to explore how writing studio work really IS writing center work. All participants in the session, attendees and presenters alike, will be included as contributors to the article. "

Essentially, all we need to do is have a conversation about the points in the abstract. I believe this will help focus our collaboration.

I think the obvious is to come up with our best practices as writing centers and post them here. IF everyone can contribute to the ideas of a best practice, we will have plenty to go on.


Bethany said...

Our best practices:

We introduce ourselves as experienced peers. We start out discussions and times of consultation with "peer-like" conversation. For example, "did you see the game?, how are your classes going?, what's up?" We give suggestions, not solutions. We ask good questions to help the students think about their own writing process. We NEVER write on the student's paper. We facilitate good discussions in groups and help the students learn from each other's writing. We do not give definitive answers to questions about expectations and assignments- usually we can defer to the instructor or talk about the overall expectations of our writing program's portfolio grading system. (This is all stuff that any student could bring up, because the expectations for the intro writing class are very clear, universal, and are included in their handbook.)

Is this what you mean?

Also, are we going to ask discussion questions that will allow participants to voice their opinions about and concerns with in class writing center work, or are we only going to ask them to discuss what best practices are so that we can tell them that we do that in classrooms? I know that I personally am very interested in their opinions. Is this outside of Western's interests?

Anonymous said...

As many have suggested, we should certainly begin our discussion with explanations of our two programs. Then, as Kyle mentioned, we could present writing center Best Practices, which is a really vague term that people use that basically means they are the methods and practices the field has decided are the most effective. We were thinking that presenting the Best Practices of writing centers (rather than immediately focusing on our in-class consulting work) would be a good second component to our session. We need to explain what the writing center community tends to agree (for the most part) the practices, traits, and beliefs that writing centers should be. Perhaps, once we get most of our ideas together, I could create a handout for the participants that list these best practices.

Bethany presented the "peer" aspect of our work; that is definitely one of our best practices. We have also been tossing around the following Best Practices:

We provide suggestions rather than telling the students to directly make changes.

We ask questions that lead students to more closely consider their own writing.

We are student-centered, being sure to focus on the needs of those students.

Writing centers tend to emphasize the effectiveness of discussion when it comes to improving writing practices.

Consultants/tutors do not have authority in terms of evaluation and are not connected to the grades students receive from instructors.

Students tend to choose to visit writing centers, making them willing, motivated participants.

Consultants react to students and their texts rather than pre-determining an agenda for the session.

If you all could add any best practices for writing centers in general, I could combine all of them, and I would appreciate it.

After we briefly discuss best practices, our initial plan would be to simply have a discussion with each other that tries to sort out HOW what we do fits within these writing center best practices, even though we are going to classes to do our work.

Finally, we do not need to worry about what the participants will be doing--we are the presenters and participants. It will simply be a discussion, the initial brainstorming session that will hopefully lead to a tutor talk column for the Writing Lab Newsletter's Tutor Column. Many of the attendees will be individuals from our program.

If there are attendees who are not part of our two programs and feel that what we do IS NOT writing center work, that's fine. They can be a part of our discussion. We are not seeking to explicitly PROVE anything, yet, and we are not there at the session to teach anyone else about writing studio.

Here are the only things we need to have prepared beforehand:

A clear idea about how our programs work, a clear idea about writing center best practices we agree on, a handout to give all participants, and a form explaining that we will be recording the session. If you will all be patient, I am, right now, working on a potential agenda.

Anonymous said...


Present Session Goal (which I will draft tomorrow morning and post on the blog)

Present the Impetus for our session
GVSU experience with people who say that what we do is not WC work
WMU experience (Kyle Krol)

We want to, therefore, discuss why we believe our Studio work fits within many writing center best practices

GVSU Writing Studio Program

WMU Writing Studio Program

Check Time (in here will be the time we have left for discussion)

Determine two facilitators for asking our 10 focus questions (these questions would be based on WC best practices)
Choose the most interesting questions first (we may not get to all 10 questions and that’s fine)

Trade off between GVSU and WMU facilitators asking the questions and focusing the discussion regarding the session

We would continue this conversation until we run out of time, and then we would continue it, as necessary, on the blog site. Eventually, we will collaborate to develop an article that presents our consclusions.

We need to develop 5 questions from each school that address writing center practices so we can discuss how writing studio does or does not fit with them.

Anonymous said...

Let me know if the previous agenda sounds fine to all of you and let me know if there is any confusion, changes you would like to be made, etc.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the agenda, when it comes to the different presentations for our schools, we can each decide who can present for each part. If you all agree to it, I can introduce the session (present the session goal). For each school's part, we can also script our presentation information as much as makes us feel comfortable. For the five questions each, we can develop as many subquestions as we can think of, in case conversation lags or there is any confusion regarding our initial questions.

Bethany said...


We (the GVSU consultants) just realized why we have never felt on the same page as you at Western: We did not understand the premise of what you want to do at the conference. We thought this was a tutor talk. We thought that questions would be addressed to participants from other schools or our own- whoever was interested in the topic. We envisioned the session being primarily generative discussion ammongst all in attendence, not just between Western and GVSU. Sorry about this huge confussion. We all feel a bit deflated at the moment, and perhaps even disappointed.

The show must go on, so we will try to catch your vision for the session so that we can be helpful participants. Am I understanding correctly now, that our questions should be addressed to you, Western's consultants?

To be honest, I have nothing to ask you off hand. Should we ask about your particular practices? What questions are you going to ask us? Can we know these questions in advance?

Are we going to pose any questions to the other participants that will allow them to be included in the talk? Is this a debate? Are we comparing our centers? Is this a presentation? Are the participants expected to watch the six of us discuss these topics?

The following section has come as a sharp shock to us, "Finally, we do not need to worry about what the participants will be doing--we are the presenters and participants. It will simply be a discussion, the initial brainstorming session that will hopefully lead to a tutor talk column for the Writing Lab Newsletter's Tutor Column. Many of the attendees will be individuals from our program."

The section about the participant's role that immediatly follows unfortunatly doesn't make sense to me yet, "If there are attendees who are not part of our two programs and feel that what we do IS NOT writing center work, that's fine. They can be a part of our discussion. We are not seeking to explicitly PROVE anything, yet, and we are not there at the session to teach anyone else about writing studio."

As to what we now understand to be expected of us-

I think the best practices you have listed are good. I'm pretty sure that everything we have mentioned so far fits into one of the items in your list, so well done!

"GVSU experience with people who say that what we do is not WC work"- None of us has really experienced people at our university telling us that what we do in classrooms isn't really writing center work, but we have noticed that the topic sometimes turns heads or makes people from other universities uncomfortable at conferences. Our in class consulting has actually been going on for 20 years at GVSU and is well estabilished as a component of our intro composition class. It was not until we went to conferences that we realized that some people would be surprised that we have consultants in classrooms. We still don't fully understand why the thought of class room consulting made them uncomfortable, (besides what Kim has explained to me.) This is why we were interested in hearing participants opinions about the discomfort or surprise some might feel towards in class consultatnts.

"10 focus questions (these questions would be based on WC best practices)"- Could you give us examples of what these questions would be? Will these questions be directed at each other? To be honest, we were more interested in asking questions of the participants that would generate open discussion, but we will try to be as cooperative with your vision now that we understand there has been a misunderstanding. I don't believe any of us have the first idea about questions that we would be interested in asking you in front of a captive audience, but we can try.

I guess we just really need to know what it is you hope to discover through this "discussion." We were hoping to understand why people are opposed to in class writing center work. We also were interested in how some of those concerns could provide insight into ways we can improve our personal practices in a program that we are already very pleased with. These were our curiosities, and we are willing to lay them aside for now, but I think it would help if we understand what you are hoping to get out of the format and the discussion.

Perhaps this will become more clear with the goal you draft up tomorrow morning. As to whether we're okay with you opening and introducing the session- go for it. Please feel free to take charge of this. Our major goals now, are simply to provide a functional role in a discussion we do not fully understand. Please be patient with us as we try to discover your vision, purpose, and goals for our "discussion" on Saturday.

Thanks, Bethany

P.S. I have done my best to be transparent in this. I am concerned that you may be frusterated with us, but please do not be offended by our confusion; we entered into this with some wrong assumptions.

Julie L. Lenhart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bethany, et. al.

We also felt there was some conflict of vision, and we don't mean to run over your ideas. We think the ideas you have are very
sophisticated; we'd love to find out why other people think the
writing studio work is not Writing Center work. But it seems
tricky to hope people will answer that question in a session that is
supposed to lead to a conversation article for the Writing Lab
Newsletter. If we're supposed to be working on an article
submission in this session--which is what the proposal says and what
the blog entry highlights--then we think it would be tough to depend on what will be said by individuals who may or may not understand what writing studio is. Literally, we would be obligated to work with
the participants and to help them understand a bunch of stuff, which
seems to not necessarily be the focus of the session.

Because our session is the first and maybe only face-to-face part
of our collaboration on a conversation article for the Writing Lab Newsletter, we've always thought we just needed to show up and start talking about issues. Because we never felt we needed to worry about participants (given that we and our fellow writing studio
folks are the participants), we haven't worried about display so
much as possible interaction. For us, the real point of the session
is to use our experiences to say why we think our writing studio
work is writing center work. We don't need to reference articles
(though we can) because the Tutor Talk Column is about tutors'
views, and we're the tutors who have lots of views. In a way, our article would essentially be debating, when published, with the people we've run into at MWCA and ECWCA conferences who have objected to our in-class work as being "not writing center work." And we're saying, all together, "Yes, it is and here's why." All we need to do is to articluate/detail our views and then begin to shape them into some kind of article that represents our "conversation." In fact, the shaping may not happen until after the conference, but we might want to decide how to shape and how to continue.

To try to sum up what we were thinking as the role of the "attendees"--though the six of us listed as presenters are essentially in charge of the session and will be facilitating the discussion, the goal of everyone in our session will be to try to sort out amongst ourselves exactly WHY writing studio work is writing center work. This means that the questions we ask are questions for everyone. However, we won't want to explain what writing studio is because we anticipate that most participants will be fellow consultants who are already involved in writing studio programs. They would be part of our conversation. So, Julie, their concerns would be our concerns (hence the potentially confusing statement of "we are the participants." We meant the "we" as being anyone there who is involved in our two programs, not necessarily just the six of us. Oops). If individuals who are not part of writing studio programs decide to attend our session, they can still provide insights into exactly what writing center work is, but we would not be explaining our programs to them in significant detail.

Sorry that there has been a lot of confusion on both our parts. I guess this is the way collaboration works sometimes. I hope this addresses some concerns. I'll be looking to post a few more ideas shortly getting at some more specific details about the session. No worries; it will all work out!

Anonymous said...

Handout Stuff:

We love offering handouts at conference presentations, and we have great color paper that we use to make the title pages. We think we could also collaborate on the handout, or not; it depends on what you guys want to do. Our idea is we Western consultants would bring about 30 copies of some pages and the
Grand Valley consultants could bring 30 copies of other pages. We
can email each other the originals so we'd all have a full file copy
of the handout. We think 30 copies will be plenty for the session
and will let each of us have copies for portfolios if we want them.

Title Page:
We need the title of the session, the conference title, and the

Other concerns: How do we handle names? Alphabetical order? Do we
group presenters by writing center and schools? Do we list the
writing center and school under each person's name?

Should the title page list the session goal and explain that the
session will be recorded, people can participate or not, we may need
to postpone answering some questions, etc.? Then would-be
participants can read what they are getting into as they walk into
the session.

Permission Slip--Should this be page 2? Should it be separate so we
can collect it? Should it include a place for each person's name, a
place for a fake name if desired, a place for contact information,
and a check off list for planned role (want to continue with
collaboration, willing to have words quoted, etc.)?

Description of each program? Is this needed? If so, could this be
page 3?

Reason we decided to work on this project--we're all surprised and
curious that some writing center people object to writing studio as
part of writing center work.
(Should this be part of a handout or just talk? If we write it up,
we might be more focused.) Could this be part of page 3 or maybe a
separate page 4?

Questions we can use to guide our discussion of how we think what
we do is writing center work. Or questions we'd like to have
answered to writing center people who think we're not doing writing
center work? (Maybe page 5 with the questions numbered? Then we
can all say, "Hey, let's go to question 3" or whatever.

Anything else? Ellen gave your GVS folks an artilce. Should we
offer a bibliography for people who want to know more about writing
studio? Could you GVSU folks make that and let us add any
suggestions we think might be useful for "Best Practices" ideas?
(Would this be page 6?)

Let me know if any of you are particularly interested in creating any of these handouts. I have done quite a few presentations throughout my consulting career and can basically put together whatever, but I think it would be great to get everyone involved in developing the handout. Basically, I guess, just call "dibs" on what you want to do and let us know what you have planned.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone...

Here is what I came up with for our Session Goals.

This discussion session is a little bit different from other MWCA sessions. The conversation in this session will hopefully be the beginning of additional collaborative work that will conclude with the creation of a Writing Lab Newsletter Tutor’s Column article for submission. Therefore, given our particular purpose, we need to alert all attendees to the guiding question/goal, and logistics of the session.

In this session, we will seek to get at the particular reasons why we believe that our writing studio programs are in keeping with best practices in writing centers. As part of that focus, we will consider why and how writing studio works so well. We will be having a conversation that will try to articulate the methods we use within our two particular programs and that explains why they fit with what writing center work is thought of being.

All attendees will be encouraged to offer insights from their own experiences or research into the subject as we seek to form some explanations. For the sake of future accuracy, when we move to writing our Tutor’s Column article, we will be video taping this session. We ask you to fill out and sign our Permission to Videotape form. This You may still participate in the discussion even if you do not want your contributions to be included in the future article.

Let me know what you think, and let me know what else I can do to make sure we are prepared for Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,

Here is an example of how we could take one of our best practices and develop a discussion question based on it. Perhaps we could develop a series of 5-7 questions each. If you could let us know which best practices concepts you would like to focus on, that would be wonderful; that way, we would not be doubling up on the concepts.

Best Practice: Consultants/tutors do not have authority in terms of evaluation and are not connected to the grades students receive from instructors.

Discussion Question: If our consultants for writing studio are involved in a graded component of the course, how do they negotiate this potential authority in order to maintain the separation between evaluation and consulting work?

Let us know what you think!

krolkm said...

The WMU group put together some other discussion questions for the session. Take a look, let us know what you think, and add questions if you can! And here they are...

Best Practice:
We are student-centered, being sure to focus on the specific needs of our students.

Discussion Question:
Even though we are aware of the instructor's assignments, how do we still meet the particular needs of our students on a particular day, especially if those needs do not align with the instructor's goal.

Best Practice:
Students tend to choose to visit writing centers, making them willing, motivated participants.

Discussion Question:
In writing studio, because they are forced to be there, how do we address the lack of motivation of our reluctant writers?

Discussion Question:
One of the major criticisms of writing studio is the forced attendance, which seems to go directly against the writing center best practice that the consulting sessions are voluntary. How do consultants work around this issue to help students approach writing studio as a useful and helpful tool rather than a/an graded/evaluated requirement?

We're going to work on the handout tomorrow, so if you have any suggestions, additions, or further concerns, please email, post, or give us a call (387-4615). Great work folks!!

Anonymous said...

WMU Consultants,

The discussion over the last few days has been very helpful to us in understanding what your goals of this presentation are as well as shedding light on the different goals each center had in mind for this presentation. In light of our new understanding, we at GVSU do not feel prepared to do what you ask of us for Saturday’s conference. We were unaware that the main goal for participating at this conference was an article to publish. We do not feel comfortable with videotaping the session or being videotaped; we also do not have the authorization from our university to do so. We also do not feel comfortable with the format of not readily including attendees. If the intent of the collaboration was an article and videotaping the session, this information should have been disclosed clearly from the very beginning.

We felt that the collaboration with WMU was to lead a discussion aimed at attendee participation (as much as possible), not a discussion between WMU and GVSU with little attendee participation. We were under this impression because we are doing a discussion format and the abstract WMU put together is quoted as saying “we will ask questions” and that “session attendees will be invited and encouraged to participate in the conversation.” These statements made us feel that we were all on the same page to lead a large group discussion and we prepared as such. Therefore, we do not feel prepared or comfortable for this new format.

We will be at the session Saturday to participate with you as much as we can and are comfortable with to help you talk through your concerns toward helping you articulate a focus for your article. However, we are not interested in collaborating on an article at this time, so we don't want to take up your time or ours in generating documents to help with that planning process. We have some questions drafted up—some are addressed to you and some are addressed to the participants in attendance—so that hopefully the goals of both centers can be reached through our conference slot Saturday. All the confusion is unfortunate, but we all need to make the best of it and learn from this experience. We will see you Saturday.

~GVSU Consultants

krolkm said...

Obviously, we still have some confusion about what is happening with this session. I'm not sure all the confusion can be alleviated before the session, but I think some concerns can be negotiated.

Admittedly, we are a little surprised that you have been "unaware that the main goal for participating at this conference was an article to publish." The last two sentences of the proposal say, "We will record this session, using the material as the basis for a collaborative Writing Lab Newsletter Tutor Column submission that will continue to explore how writing studio work really IS writing center work. All participants in the session, attendees and presenters alike, will be included as contributors to the article." Because we say the session will gather material for an article, we don't see that we are offering a "new format"; we are offering a finalization of logistics needed to make the collaboration for the article work.

Talking among ourselves here, we decided to videotape the session so we could know who said what for the article, giving each person the credit they deserve for their ideas, as well as the opportunity (if they want it) to shape the ideas more coherently. In the proposal/abstract, we do say we will record the session. If you are uncomfortable with the videotaping, we could record in different ways.

We are a bit confused about your comments regarding needing your university’s permission to be videotaped. We aren't doing research on each other, or anyone for that matter. We were planning to collaborate on an article. At this point, our university does not require us to get permission to write with others.

We've reviewed our proposal to try to read it from your point of view. We also think we made a poor choice of words in the last line when we used "attendees" and "presenters." We think "attendees and facilitators" would have been a better way to say that, since the presenters are simply guiding the conversation, rather than presenting material.

We’re not sure we’re reading the last part of your post clearly. You say you’re “not prepared or comfortable for the format”, yet you say you will participate and will help us with the article. Right now, we’re uncomfortable because we no longer understand how the session will unfold. We don’t see how the goals of both centers can be reached within one 50-minute session, and we aren’t even sure what your goals are. Since the proposal says the session is intended to begin a Writing Lab Newsletter article, we think it’s only fair that the session includes only those willing to participate as contributors to the article. This suggestion is not something we are adding. I guess what we need to know now is this: Do you want to participate in the format we’ve planned (which is in keeping with the proposal) or would you rather withdraw? Is it possible to come up with a clear compromise so none of us feel uncomfortable? We simply wanted to share a conversation with you, so why not come talk with us and collaborate on the article? We could meet face-to-face, and have fun.

We thought that there was a lot of potential for collaboration after we sent you our abstract/proposal. Maybe this is something we can look forward to doing in the future, after we work out the finer communication points of collaborating between universities.

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